When will I receive my payment?

If you are located in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, or the United Kingdom, you’ll receive your payment within two working days of accepting an offer. If you are not in one of these countries, we will pay the invoice as soon as the vehicle arrives at an OPENLANE hub.

How long does an auction last?

Dynamic auctions, target auctions and blind auctions are typically open for 48 hours. Buy Now auctions usually only run for 24 hours. This may differ in the United Kingdom, in which case, your sales expert will keep you informed of the auction schedule.

What is OPENLANE’s auction process?

We offer four different types of auctions: These make up the majority of the auctions at adesa.eu. The process for a dynamic auction is very simple: the auction is set up for a specific amount of time. Buyers can see what the current highest bid is at any moment. Bidding is closed when the auction…